Up went the alarm, come on come see ellies in Minoc!!!
So off I went camera in hand to take pics of the new event, more to come I hear!!

checked out the Test Centre 4 yet?? Killer Bees? Lightning From the Sky? oh yes and Reds but dressed in normal verite etc armour with heater sheilds!
Back to my events, off I went to Minoc gated to the bank area, was a bit quiet, walked dow a bit and there they were .... Ellies pooring out of houses and tents, Snow Ellies *yuk* - Blood Ellies *Mmm Scarey that one* - Acid Ellies *stays away from that spawn* - Earth ellies ahhh now i can cope with earth ellies :) *grins* people were dead all over when I first got there, 2 WW dead on the floor, *gulps* ahah the solution :) Mystics Famour Invis cant beat it, *ok ok well its for a good cause* Im the reporter im not supposed to die, I will leave that to the few that were there causing mega lag, oh yes and of course our wonderfull Twinks *you know who u are oh yes u do * who braught forth ww and dragons and mares and camped the spawns, sigh normal events......... Hear are a few pics of the day.........

Kam says him and Harry went down when the Balron spawnd, unfortunately I was afk chatting to a GM when some selfish guy decided to kill poor Spike, yes what a g** gated him into an impossible area of the Orc fort instant death for Spike *i got there before Naked Jester could loot him tho* so im sorting that out and totally missing the rest of the cenario, thanks a bunch Jester..........

Ok so im invis .............. again

Im hoping Kam has the pictures of the final bit where him and Harry Meat the Balron..